Parent Survey (Prince Edward County Minor Hockey Association)

Parent Survey
Parent Surveys are a very important tool for PECMHA to get a gauge on how our families feel about our association, our coaches and our programming. We would like to hear from you. Your feed back will help us to improve our association. Please answer questions openly and honestly. These reports are confidential and will only be summarized by one person on our executive. Responses will only be shared anonymously to the executive members to help improve the hockey experience for our players and parents.

Player/Team Information

Please complete

Basic Satisfaction

Evaluate on degree to which you believe your players achieved on this team (5 being very much and 0 being none at all);

Basic Development and Skills

Evaluate on degree in which you believe your child changed on the following characteristics using the following scale (1 - Declined, 3 - No Change, 5 Improved);

Head Coach

How did the Head Coach do on the following items using a scale 1= Poor, 2 = Weak, 3 = Fair, 4 - Good, 5 = Excellent:

Bench Staff

Please provide comments on the assistant Coaches, Trainers and Manager

Final Thoughts

Additional Feedback: Comments on your team, on what our association can improve on or what you enjoyed this season.