Sep 16, 2016 | Tod Lavender | 2079 views
The coaching staff of the PEC Kings Atom BB would like to thank all the players and their parents who came out to participate in this year’s tryouts. Your play left us with some difficult decisions and we appreciate everyone’s efforts! We wish all players a very successful and fun season of hockey.
Congratulations to the players selected for this years’ PEC KINGS ATOM BB TEAM
Lainey VanVlack
Alex Pickle
Isaac Krentz
Hayden Blakely
Charlie Smith
Cameron Osterhout
Draeden Hymus
Keagan Zantingh
Dante Closson
Theo Lavender
Jaxson Payne
Mitchell Sills
Dakin Jones
Jordan Doxtator
Carter Black
Griffin Lavender
Hayden Bender
Ethan Snider
Will Theakston
Manager: Sherry Sills
Coaches: Tod Lavender, Scott Lavender, Obie VanVlack
Trainer: Craig Closson